When I came across the Hobbit Hole in Orondo, WA, I instantly knew I had to take Tyler. He is a huge Lord of the Rings fan. I never told him about it because I wanted it to be a surprise. The problem was, we had no money, and believe it or not, Hobbit Holes are expensive. Fast-forward years later and we both came into careers and were just starting to explore the unique places that our area had to offer. When Tyler earned his BA, I knew it was finally time to take my little Gollum to the the land of the Hobbits.
I put in the address to our GPS and let him drive us there because, as the traveling princess, that's my job. I do it well. As we drove miles and miles into the middle of nowhere he was a little confused. I am a bit of a wild card when it comes to adventures and he wouldn't put it past me that we may be just be staying in the middle of a field with a bed (fun fact, this has kind of happened before...but don't worry, we also had a bed and a toilet inside of a shipping container next to the outdoor bed. So, I'm not THAT crazy).
Anyways...we pulled up to the bottom of the hill where the house was nestled in. It's kind of hidden in the hill and the brush, but you're greeted by a "Please do not disturb the visiting hobbits" sign that finally revealed the secret. Tyler was giggly and I'm pretty sure he let out a little squeal (he'll tell you he didn't), and we trekked up the trail to finally enter through that little green door.
As someone who views LOTR as "meh" (I know, I'm a heathen), I was honestly blown away. The outdoor area is seriously right out of a fairytale (or..LOTR I guess...). There are chairs, flowers, artificial grass (you KNOW I love that fake grass...you can't vacuum REAL grass), and there were SO MANY BIRDS. The inside is just as whimsical. It's covered in dark wood, a circular wood floor, a stunning bed with lanterns casting a warm glow across the room, and little circular windows showcasing insane landscape outside.
The bathroom is also full of warm, dark, wooden accents. The handmade tub and the sink is even made out of wood! The toilet has one of those chains connected to the tanks that's way up in the air...I felt like I was in Europe. I don't know if they have those in Europe, but I'd like to think they do.
After checking it all out, and finding the hidden ring, we decided to soak it all up and settle in. We propped the door open sat outside looking out at that incredible view and watching the birds swirl around. I downloaded the LOTR soundtrack and we were listening to it, feeling like we were in Hobbiton. We took our iconic picture, holding hands in front of the Hobbit door, looking out at the river, that I use for any profile picture for UniquePNW. It's also hanging outside of our bathroom, so you know it's a good one.
As the sun began to set and it grew dark, tiny field mice came out. It was the CUTEST experience ever. They would scurry around and nibble on birdseed. As they darted back and forth, we watched them...and then they got a little too comfortable with us. As they started to get very close and want to hop on our feet, we decided it was time to go inside. I'm all for watching mice, but not wearing them. But...it just adds to the fairytaleness of the whole experience. As we went inside to get ready for bed, I kept whispering "No hobbitses here" to try and fit in, saying the most famous quote from the books and movies. Tyler had to finally ask me what I was saying and said that wasn't in LOTR. Whatever. I do know that potatoes are for second breakfast, so I'm not an absolute LOTR noob.
If you have the chance to visit Washington's personal Hobbiton, you need to take it!! It's seriously charming and dreamy. It also just goes to show that you don't need to travel the world to experience crazy and unique places! Sometimes, the most interesting places are right in your own backyard.